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July 2024 Meetup at C10 Labs EVENT - RSVP

Monday, July 22nd 6PM

Join us for our July meetup at the CIC @245 Main Street. Many thanks to C10 Labs, which will be our host again.

☝️Register above and submit your demo. This is an event with kickass demos and networking you do not want…

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June 2024 Meetup at C10 Labs EVENT - RSVP

Monday, June 10th 6PM

Rescheduled date - June 10th, 2024 from 6-9PM 🚀

Join us for a meetup at the CIC @245 Main Street. Our sincere thanks to C10 Labs, which will be our host for the evening again.

☝️Register above and submit your demo. This…

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April 2024 Meetup at C10 Labs EVENT - RSVP

Monday, April 22nd 6PM

April 22nd, 2024 from 6-9PM 🚀

Join us for this month’s AI Tinkerers - Boston Meetup at the CIC @245 Main Street. Our sincere thanks to C10 Labs, which will be our host for the evening.

☝️☝️☝️ Register above and submit your…

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March 2024 Meetup at C10 Labs EVENT - RSVP

Monday, March 25th 6PM

🔥 March 25th, 2024 from 6-9PM 🔥

Join us for the March 2024 AI Tinkerers - Boston Meetup at the CIC @245 Main Street. You read that correctly! We have a change of venue and a new sponsor for this meetup. Many…

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February 2024 Tinkerers Unite! EVENT - RSVP

Monday, February 26th 6PM

🗓️ Monday, February 26 from 6PM to 9P 🗓️

🔥 Sign up now for an evening of hands-on demos and talks and connect with a community of active builders! Participate by presenting your own work in a 5-minute talk, or just share…

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January 2024 Tinkerers Unite! EVENT - RSVP

Monday, January 22nd 6PM

🗓️ January 22 from 6PM to 9P 🗓️

Ready for a fresh start? Kick off the new year with AI Tinkerers. RSVP today!

Join local AI Tinkerers and builders for project demos and talks followed by great conversations with others that are…

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December 2023 Tinkerers Unite! EVENT - RSVP

Monday, December 18th, 2023 6PM

🗓️ December 18, 2023 from 6PM to 9P 🗓️

Join us for the most festive round yet of the AI Tinkerers Boston Meetup! Bring your Santa hats!

Join local AI Tinkerers and builders for project demos and talks followed by great conversations…

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Recap of November 2023 Meeting

November 30, 2023 1 minute

Our meeting this week was a success! We kicked off with a bang, with more demo sign-ups than ever before. However, timing did pose a challenge as some had to leave before it concluded. Here are our key takeaways:

* If you…

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November 2023 Tinkerers Unite! EVENT - RSVP

Monday, November 27th, 2023 6PM

🗓️ November 27, 2023 from 6PM to 9P 🗓️

Join us for the most thankful round yet of the AI Tinkerers Boston Meetup!

Join local AI Tinkerers and builders for project demos and talks followed by great conversations with others that are…

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Recap of October 2023 Meeting

October 24, 2023 1 minute

We had a really good turnout yesterday evening! Unfortunately, this organizer forgot to take a picture of the crowd. However, Ivan Campos did a live demo of using OpenAI’s ChatGPT app to count seats and people in the room, so perhaps he’ll…

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October 2023 Tinkerers Unite! EVENT - RSVP

Monday, October 23rd, 2023 6PM to 9PM

🗓️ October 23, 2023 from 6PM to 9P 🗓️

Join us for the spookiest round yet of the AI Tinkerers Boston Meetup!

Join local AI Tinkerers and builders for project demos and talks followed by great conversations with others that are actively…

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Recap of September 2023 Meeting

October 04, 2023 1 minute

We had a really successful event in September! There were many excellent talks from a number of different AI Tinkerers:

+ Alex Alcivar shared his work on analyzing Boston 311 cases, including creating predictions on response times for various incidents. For example,…

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September Meetup EVENT - RSVP

Monday, September 25th, 2023 6PM to 9PM

🗓️ September 25, 2023 from 6PM to 9P 🗓️

Join us for the next round of the AI Tinkerers Boston (technically Cambridge 🤣) Meetup!

Join local AI Tinkerers and builders for project demos and talks followed by great conversations with others that…

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Recap of August Meeting

August 28, 2023 1 minute

Our August meeting was pretty well attended, and we were there until the final buzzer at 9!

Here’s what you missed:

+ Sal Darji was the “guest” host for the event

+ Ashish Bhatia, Product Manager from Microsoft, demo’d what he’s working…

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August 2023 Tinkerers Unite!

August 24, 2023 1 minute

Hello Fellow Tinkerers! Excited to see everyone this upcoming Monday. In the interest of expediency we’ve decided to keep this Partiful invite for the upcoming event. However, we’re getting familiar with this new site and will use it for the invites in…

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Contact AI Tinkerers - Boston