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April 2024 Meetup at C10 Labs

This event happened in the past.
Monday, April 22nd
245 Main St, Cambridge, MA
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24 / 50
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This event happened in the past.

April 22nd, 2024 from 6-9PM 🚀

Join us for this month’s AI Tinkerers - Boston Meetup at the CIC @245 Main Street. Our sincere thanks to C10 Labs, which will be our host for the evening.

☝️☝️☝️ Register above and submit your demo. This is an event with kickass demos and networking you do not want to miss! ☝️☝️☝️

What is AI Tinkerers?

AI Tinkerers is a meetup designed exclusively for practitioners who possess technical, machine learning, and entrepreneurial backgrounds and are actively building and working with foundation models, such as large language models (LLMs) and generative AI. If you’re deeply passionate about creating LLM-enabled applications, have hands-on experience in building such systems, and are eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share your level of commitment, then this group is the perfect fit for you. With AI Tinkerers meetups taking place in multiple cities, we cater to a dedicated community of practitioners

Who is this for?

We’re not “AI Enthusiasts”, we are AI Tinkerers. The core essence of AI Tinkerers lies in active collaboration surrounding early-stage discovery and innovation, which requires a high degree of experimentation, vulnerability, openness to sharing challenges and learnings, and collaboration among individuals with a shared level of expertise. This unique environment allows us to push the boundaries of what’s possible with AI and LLMs while maintaining a strong sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

💻 Event Format

• Arrive at 6:00 pm
• Networking until 6:30 pm
• Demos and Talks start at 6:30 pm
• Networking until close at 9:00 pm
• There will be pizza🍕

AI Tinkerers Boston Stats 📊

  • Attendees: The community comprises 416 members, with a strong emphasis on AI/ML (30.83%), data science (17.71%), and full-stack engineering (14.58%). Members have diverse backgrounds, including significant representation from technology and healthcare sectors. The community excels in innovation but may benefit from enhanced skills in cloud computing and project management.
  • Companies Represented:, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, Torc Robotics, Northeastern University, MIT, PluralSight, EasyBee AI, and more.

Testimonials 💬

Contact AI Tinkerers - Boston