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Recap of August Meeting

Salil Darji - AI Tinkerers - Boston
August 28, 2023

Our August meeting was pretty well attended, and we were there until the final buzzer at 9!

Here’s what you missed:
+ Sal Darji was the “guest” host for the event
+ Ashish Bhatia, Product Manager from Microsoft, demo’d what he’s working on, including some interesting no-code/low-code tools in the “Power” family which are based on Azure OpenAI. Photo is of Ashish presenting.
+ Brandon Horst demo’d his language learning app, including a live demo and hacking on his Chinese language chat partner. When asked the question “Is it only for Chinese?” his response was “This version is, since I started it on Thursday” which cracked me up.
+ Ivan Campos demo’d his work on an agent to build movie trailers, including the “In a world…” audio
+ Matt Brown did a demo of his coding methods with ChatGPT, which was informative and took us to the end of the night

Another great and informative event with lots of new faces! I can’t wait for the next one in a few weeks, which will be on the 25th. Invites will be going out soon!

Contact AI Tinkerers - Boston

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